Saturday 14 September 2013

"...A desire to make a difference to each experience..."

This month I've been thinking about my past present and future clients and how the moving process can be made just that little bit more enjoyable. 

Some people - those who LOVE organizing, cleaning out, sorting out, throwing out, packing, labeling, moving, dusting, washing, fixing, and finally saying goodbye to their old house - may appreciate an evening out, with my compliments for the sheer enjoyment of relaxing after some really hard work. But for others I've recently found out that a dinner voucher means so much more. It means getting to take an evening out from the emotions of moving out of a loved family home or first home or moving in to a new home in a new city where there is so much to do to try and put down new roots. 

I was touched this month by a client who hadn't taken a day off since they moved into their new home. To this client dinner out meant scheduling time to sit back, be waited on and take a moment to take in everything they had accomplished since the move which was a lot!

I'd like to make a difference to your day / week / month or year. It's a small gesture, but I can't think of anyone who doesn't deserve this. $100 dinner voucher to a top Tauranga restaurant or a restaurant of your choice.  You only have to enter once and you'll be in the draw every time! 
It's easy. Just print this entry form and send it in, or enter online by subscribing to my news letter 

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